Rivalry aside, girls volleyball supports injured OHS player

The Oakdale High volleyball team reserved a seat on its bench for senior libero Paige Taylor, whose season was cut short by a lacerated kidney. She suffered the injury during an on-court collision.

Staff reports

The Valley Oak League volleyball scene has been shaken by a scary injury to one of its marquee players.

Oakdale High senior libero Paige Taylor suffered a lacerated kidney on Aug. 28 in an on-court collision with a teammate during a non-league match with Sonora. The injury has put the rest of her volleyball season in jeopardy.

With the help of Taylor’s parents, the Manteca High varsity volleyball team paid tribute to Taylor during their match on Tuesday, Sept. 19. The Buffaloes welcomed the Mustangs with a bouquet of balloons, signed poster and goody bags, and they also wore blue ribbons in their hair.

Manteca senior Riley Slikker, who has played with Taylor on the club scene, said it was important to put rivalry aside and show love and concern for a member of their volleyball community. Feeling strong enough, Taylor reportedly attended the match which was won by Manteca in five games.

“It is important for us to honor Paige, because she is a senior and she basically just lost her whole season,” Slikker said, “and it is her last time playing with a bunch of her friends. It just sucks.”

Manteca captains Izzy Sanchez and Michaela Singh communicated the ceremony with Taylor’s parents. They wore blue ribbons because blue is Taylor’s favorite color.

“Her mom was the one to set up most of it, and she made a poster we all signed saying we hope she gets better and gets back to playing soon,” the captains said in concert. “… We are all glad she was able to attend the game and she’s feeling better.”

While it might be unusual to support someone on a rival team, the Manteca volleyball team thinks otherwise.

“It is important to be there for her and her team because they lost a really important player and really important friend, so they probably need … our support,” said senior Emily Inderbitzin, “and it is good sportsmanship. It is very important for us to be there for them.”

The Oakdale High volleyball team gathers together, holding a bouquet of balloons gifted to them Manteca during a match on Tuesday, Sept. 19, 2023.


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