Taking the baton: Peterson named interim principal

My dream is that every kid here finds their place, whatever it is, and can thrive. And if I can, in any way, help make that happen, my life will have turned out.
— Megan Peterson

The Tower 

In December 2022, Manteca High’s former principal, Frank Gonzales, got promoted to Director of Students Services for the Manteca Unified School District. That’s when the question began to roam the district’s oldest campus: “Who will become the new principal?”   

That’s when Assistant Principal Megan Peterson, in just her first year on campus, stepped in as the interim principal. Though she hasn’t been at Manteca High for too long, Peterson has worked with students the last 30 years, preparing her for her new temporary position.

Peterson, who didn’t hesitate to accept the offer, said she likes the school so much that it just made sense for her to move up in position. 

Megan Peterson has been named the interim principal at Manteca High School. Taking on a new role in education is nothing new to the longtime educator. In 30 years on the job, she taught for eight years; served as a vice principal for three; and assistant principal for 18. (Alyssa Fuentes/The Tower)

“Well, I came (to MHS) in July (of 2022). I had been at East Union High School for about 20 years, and I really like being an assistant principal,” Peterson said. “But I came over here and I liked it. I liked the school so much, I liked the kids so much and the staff as well. I thought when Mr. Gonzales left and they asked me, and I said you know what this is a place that I could be at home and be the principal. So, I said, ‘Yes I’ll do it, sounds great.’ ” 

Peterson is hoping to become the next full-fledged principal at MHS. But she does not want to rush the process. She believes it’s necessary to test the waters and see if it is ideal for her to be the principal. 

“Being the principal has to be the right fit,” revealed Peterson. “I got to be the right fit for the school, the school’s got to be the right fit for me, and I’ve got to be the right fit for the board, so I think we can all figure that out together to see if I like them and if they like me. It’s kind of a nice way to kind of give the person a tryout if it’s a good fit. … I hope they choose me.” 

Gonzales had a positive impact on Peterson, personally and professionally. Their friendship goes back two decades.

“He definitely encouraged me to do this. When the current principal throws their faith behind you, it’s a confidence booster for sure,” Peterson said. “I’m not going to lie; he is the best principal I ever worked for. It kind of inspired me to feel like how I felt working for him; that’s how I want people to feel working for me. So, he did influence me, he is a great guy and I adore him.” 

It takes a lot to be prepared for a role like this where one is in charge of a school with hundreds of students. Peterson is positive she has what it takes. Since she’s seen what the school is like, she even has proposals she hopes to execute while in this position. Some of her immediate concerns are the school’s Hall of Fame and boosting the educational experience for the school’s English Learners, as well as being more present in the classrooms.

For Peterson, taking upon a new role in education is nothing new. She feels prepared since she’s been in education for 30 years, wearing many hats along the way. She taught for eight years; served as a vice principal for three; and assistant principal for 18. She looks forward to filling in as principal and transitioning into this new part of her career as smooth as possible. 

“I’m ecstatic and ready for the challenge. The school welcomed me with open arms,” Peterson said. “It is just such a wonderful place to be, so I feel very lucky to have landed here and I’m excited about the charges I have.”


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