Sound Off: Vin Diesel, Drake and choose a superpower

Is Vin Diesel a hero or villain in the Fast franchise?

Jesus Sarmiento, reporter: Vin Diesel is the epitome of the good guy in the Fast and Furious franchise for several reasons. Primarily, his character Dom Toretto is loyal to his family and friends, always putting his saftey and wellbeing above his own. He constantly goes out of his way to protect those he cares about and will stop at nothing to ensure their safety. Additionally, don is a man of principles and values, often standing up for what he believes is right and just. Despite his illegal activities, he is shown to have a strong moral compass and is always willing to do the right thing, even if it means putting himself in harm’s way. Furthermore, Dom is a skilled driver and leader, using his expertise to outmaneuver his enemies and save the day. His determination, courage, and unwavering loyalty makes him a true hero in the fast and furious franchise.

Agree or disagree? Let Jesus know at


Has an early and unexpected death made
Kobe Bryant an untouchable great?

Gabriel Martinez, reporter: Despite the tragic, unexpected death of Kobe Bryant, his talent on the court should never be associated with his death. Kobe Bryant was known as a game changer and will always be known as a great, but if another shooting guard enters the league and plays more efficiently than Kobe ever did, that shooting guard should be placed above Kobe Bryant. For as long Kobe’s name and impact on the court is remembered, he will always draw comparisons. The “he is not here to defend himself” argument is absolutely wrong and contradictory to people disregarding Bill Russell’s eleven championships and Wilt Chamberlain’s record breaking, showstopping, performances. It is completely natural for NBA fans to compare players with other players. If Kobe Bryant fans are willing to rank him higher than players that are alive, then they should be able to accept the fact that others will put him below other player, regardless of how or when he died.


Bryan Jimenez, reporter: Kobe Bryant was an American professional basketball player for the Los Angeles Lakers and had a 20-year successful career until he sadly passed away on Jan. 26, 2020. He was 41 years old. He passed away with his daughter, Gianna, when their helicopter crashed near Los Angeles. I believe that throughout his career, he was among the best in the world. It affected many people, especially fans. I don’t think that Kobe became an untouchable great because of his unexpected early death. His death shouldn’t be related to his skill in terms of playing. I believe that if anyone has the same mindset as him, they will succeed and be better. Fans tend to compare Kobe to anyone in terms of playing skill, and it’s completely normal, but I don’t believe Kobe passing away made him an untouchable goat.

Agree or disagree? Let Bryan know at


Does Drake belong on the “Mount Rushmore” on modern-day artists?

Bryson McMichael, reporter: Drake belongs on Mount Rushmore, it’s as simple as that. When you talk about modern artists from 2015 and beyond one of the first names to come to mind is Drake and that’s widely because of his popularity and record setting albums. Since 2015 there is no one that has won more billboard record awards than Dake. He has multiple styles of music that are a huge part of why his albums hit multiple different audiences which has led to his widespread popularity across the world. In fact, Drake ties Taylor Swift for most Billboard Music Awards at 39. He held the record in 2018 for the most songs simultaneously charted in one week (27 songs), the most Hot 100 debuts in one week (22 songs) and held the most continuous time on the hot 100 (431 weeks). Aside from personal opinion there are nothing but facts that say Drake should be on Mount Rushmore.


Izzy Gillette, reporter: Drake belongs to “The Mount Rushmore” of modern-day artists. In a car ride with your friends the first song that comes to mind is probably a Drake song. Drake has been a popular artist for almost 15 years. He constantly releases songs that chart in the top 10 billboards. His first hit song, "Best I Ever Had” was released in 2009 and to this day, this song is still popular. Drake also runs in the race with the most monthly listeners ranking number three under The Weeknd and Taylor Swift. Drake’s songs play in approximately 84.41 million listeners every month. Drake has songs for every mood. If you want to turn up, he has songs that will do it like “0 to 100/ Catch Up”, “Rich Baby Daddy”, “Knife Talk” and “The Motto”. If your ex just broke up with you and you’re trying to cry, he’s got songs for that too like “You Broke My Heart”, “Paris Morton Music”, “Trust Issues”, and “Do Not Disturb”. Overall, Drake is an artist that can match any vibe, and many people would agree to listen to him because of his wide variety of songs.


What superpower do you wish you had? And how would you use it?

Dario Rodriguez, reporter: If you could have any one superpower, what would you have? Superspeed is one of the best superpowers there are in many aspects of life. For starters, you travel to and from many different places in the world in very little time. You can run across water so you are not limited on where you can go. But the biggest thing is that daily activities become so much easier. Need to run some groceries? It won’t take you and hour. Need to go visit your friends or family across the country? You save money on transportation, and you save time. And for the fun of it, you can have over 20 Olympic gold medals for track and field, swimming, and world records for all of those events. Super speed also has many sub powers that can come with it. For example, when you have superspeed without any consequences to physical laws you can control the time and space that you occupy. In laymen’s terms, because you are moving so fast, you are creating so much friction that you should catch on fire. But if you don’t, then technically you can control the universal physical laws that you would normally abide by.


Nora Hystad, reporter: Teleportation is way better than super speed because of the efficiency and versatility factors. While super speed enables fast movement, it remains bound by the body's constraints of the environment, getting over obstacles and potential hazards puts it at a disadvantage. In contrast, teleportation offers on-the-spot transportation, which removes all of the need to navigate through barriers. This grants more flexibility and allows individuals to transcend to transport to other places without effort unlike super speed where there are countless obstacles. Moreover, teleportation enables access to any location, such as other dimensions or remote areas, expanding its use beyond mere rapid transit. It’s seamless and immediate nature makes it a superior choice for efficient travel, as it defeats the time aspects of transportation. The ability to instantly move place to place without facing obstacles positions teleportation as a more useful power. It is versatile and gives an advantage of movement compared to super speed.


Isaiah White, reporter: If I wished to have a superpower and had to do something with this power, it would be super speed. The reason I choose super speed is because if I wanted to go anywhere in the world, I could just be like that without having to wait for a ride or a plane. Super speed is a top tire superpower and it’s a very useful one. There are many advantages I could have with super speed. I could run on water. I would have a fast metabolism and many more perks. I don’t care what people have to say about this superpower, but they would not be able to run at the speed of light and like the Flash, you’d be able to watch T.V. shows faster than anyone else. I could also run out of any conversation I don’t want to listen to and no one would know.


You’re in market for a boo: Do you choose looks and social status? Or personality and potential?

Caylen Garibay, reporter: Personally, I would say that I choose mostly personality, but I do admit that I go for looks when it comes to surface meeting or first impressions. To put it simply, when I first meet you, I don’t want to see you looking crustier than a biscuit from Popeyes and I don’t want to see you looking like your clothes are from the dump or you’re a part of a gang or something like that because to me that is a red flag. However, it is concerning that a lot of people’s interest in partners comes strictly from looks alone. I find that really sad and quite a big problem as it has set a rough bar for social standards, especially for people who have conditions that make them look different.

Aside from looks, it’s important to me that you can be an independent person and you are not super clingy and track me down like I'm your only chance for survival. I also would like you to be yourself as I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable around me, thinking I am going hate you for something you like as an interest. But I am not a fan of being lied to and if I truly had a problem with a personal interest you have that is not hurting anyone, then I have no right to hold something against you. Just be yourself and understand sometimes people just don’t belong together, that is all I ever really need from someone which I feel is common sense, but when it comes down to the reality of the situation I have no real interest in being a relationship because I don’t believe I am ready for something like that, especially at my age, and on top of that I don’t want a relationship to hurt my ability to work and get stuff done as I already have trouble with self-discipline. When it comes to social media or status, I don’t care what your status is as long as you are not well known for being a criminal. I don’t have social media myself and I don’t care what you have as a reputation as long as it is not clearly sinister or a red flag; for example, if you are a youtuber or Instagram I don’t care as long as you don’t force it down my throat which I once again feel is common sense to give your partner some space. Quite simply take care of your body and be a good human with common sense without thinking you must be this perfect example of a human because nobody is perfect, even if you think someone is I guarantee you are wrong.


Stephany Medina, reporter: Looks and social status are ever-changing, and not eternal. In an instant, one’s social status can change, and with time, looks fade. The only thing that will remain constant is the look of someone’s eye. As you age your skin begins to change, your hair begins to thin, yet the appearance of your eyes will remain the same. Though the persona and potential are definite and change only in small increments, as they continue to find themselves. Personality continues to linger and remains relatively the same. Furthermore, it is more likely that people with similar personalities in a relationship create stability in the relationship. Personalities are less likely to clash with one another, due to differing opinions about important matters in the relationship. It is less likely that if you fell in love with someone, their personality won’t change, as opposed to looks. The history of my dating tends to suggest that personality is what initially interests me.


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